GrooveWasher SC1 Stylus Cleaning Kit Review

Marc HenshallReviews6 Comments

As the 26th U.S. President, Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.” These words will almost certainly … Read More

GrooveWasher G2 Vinyl Record Cleaner Review

Marc HenshallReviews4 Comments

Choosing the right record cleaning system is important but often confounding. After all, the internet is brimming with countless suggestions and methods — many of which are dubious at best. In many cases, there’s almost a pseudoscience to cleaning vinyl records, with some approaches verging on the bizarre (wood glue springs to mind). At Sound Matters, we’ve covered plenty of … Read More

Project Essential II Review

Marc HenshallReviews3 Comments

Hi-FI audio is a notoriously expensive, and often slightly elitist, hobby. Enthusiasts with the spare cash and space will think nothing of spending eye-watering amounts of cash on high-end audio equipment, which can often leave more casual listeners wondering, “are they hearing something I’m not!?” At Sound Matters, it’s our belief that it doesn’t have to cost the earth to … Read More

Top Five Turntable Upgrades

Marc HenshallRecord Care, Tech Talk2 Comments

One of the great advantages of building a hi-fi setup through separate components is the option to perform spot upgrades – almost infinitely – should your budget permit. From your turntable to your speakers, and even the listening environment itself, every last piece of the signal chain is upgradable or modifiable. Before we get started, it’s worth mentioning that the … Read More

Ultrasonic Cleaning for Vinyl Records

Marc HenshallRecord Care9 Comments

We’ve covered plenty of conventional methods for cleaning vinyl records at Sound Matters – from relatively expensive vinyl cleaning machines to humble but effective manual cleaning solutions. But there’s one method we haven’t yet touched on that’s rapidly gaining popularity in the vinyl community, and that’s ultrasonic cleaning. What is Ultrasonic Cleaning? In a nutshell, Ultrasonic cleaning is a process … Read More

The Best & Worst Album Covers

Marc HenshallCulture & Industry9 Comments

The large-format cover art of vinyl records is one of the key draws for many music fans. There’s nothing quite like the blank canvas of a 12inch record cover for making an artistic statement that compliments your music. In the digital age, some would go as far to say we’ve lost the art of making great album covers – a … Read More

The Pros and Cons of Vinyl Records

Marc HenshallCulture & Industry, Tech Talk14 Comments

Few debates in the audio world create such a large divide as the analog vs digital question. Vinyl vs CD/Digital is the classic battleground, where passionate enthusiasts on both sides of the argument often partake in heated exchanges with no real conclusion. The question itself is undoubtedly oversimplified  – there are far too many variables to draw a line under such a broad debate, … Read More

Measuring Vinyl Dynamic Range – It’s Complicated!

Marc HenshallTech Talk10 Comments

As a young(ish) person discovering vinyl for the first time, I was fascinated by the claim floating around in many of the Internet’s forums that some vinyl releases have better dynamic range than their digital or CD counterparts. This immediately seemed odd to me, as digital music – on paper at least – is capable of much greater dynamic range. See figures below: 16 … Read More

What’s Wrong with Cheap Record Players?

Marc HenshallNew to Vinyl, Record Care, Tech Talk4 Comments

As record sales continue to grow year-on-year, so too has the market for cheap starter record players. The demand is so great, last year’s hottest Christmas seller on Amazon was the Jensen JTA-230 3-speed stereo turntable with built-in speakers. Priced at just $51.99, it’s safe to say the majority of these players were bought as starter turntables. The Jensen JTA isn’t the only … Read More