Recording Vinyl Records Into Your Computer: Step by Step (with Video)

Marc HenshallTech Talk, Vinyl 10136 Comments

Vinyl ripping 101 – Digitize vinyl the easy way: In a world increasingly dominated by the convenience and portability of streaming services, some collectors may question the value of digitizing or recording vinyl records.  There are still plenty of good reasons to capture the sound of vinyl and turn them into convenient digital files that you can take with you … Read More

Stop listening to Music on YouTube – seriously!

Marc HenshallCulture & Industry49 Comments

Seriously, do yourself a favour and stop it – you deserve better. Yes, it’s convenient, and yes, sometimes it’s nice to watch the accompanied music video; it can even be a great way to discover new artists or rare releases. But please, please don’t use it as your primary listening platform.

An Introduction to Digital Audio Formats

Marc HenshallTech Talk1 Comment

We all know and appreciate the convenience of digital audio, and most people are comfortable with the most common format of MP3. Move beyond this, however, and things can start to get a little confusing. Through the course of this post, I will attempt to shed some light on the basics of file formats, and hopefully, help improve your listening … Read More

Does Vinyl Really Sound Better than CD?

Marc HenshallUncategorized19 Comments

This blog (when I have time to update it during my downtime working for Shure in the UK) is fast becoming focused on the resurgence of vinyl. So far, I’ve covered vinyls potential in the changing face of music retail, and I also went on to describe the benefits of vinyl in the well-documented loudness war. Taking this into consideration, I thought it … Read More

Vinyl vs CD In The Loudness War

Marc HenshallCulture & Industry, Tech Talk26 Comments

In my previous post “HMV & The Future of Music Retail?” I briefly highlighted the loudness war and the resurgence of vinyl. I now want to explain exactly what I meant by the growing appeal of vinyl when taking the loudness war into consideration, and why I believe many people choose to buy vinyl over digital alternatives. So here goes: Many audiophiles have long … Read More