Top Five Turntable Upgrades

Marc HenshallRecord Care, Tech Talk2 Comments

One of the great advantages of building a hi-fi setup through separate components is the option to perform spot upgrades – almost infinitely – should your budget permit. From your turntable to your speakers, and even the listening environment itself, every last piece of the signal chain is upgradable or modifiable. Before we get started, it’s worth mentioning that the … Read More

Ultrasonic Cleaning for Vinyl Records

Marc HenshallRecord Care9 Comments

We’ve covered plenty of conventional methods for cleaning vinyl records at Sound Matters – from relatively expensive vinyl cleaning machines to humble but effective manual cleaning solutions. But there’s one method we haven’t yet touched on that’s rapidly gaining popularity in the vinyl community, and that’s ultrasonic cleaning. What is Ultrasonic Cleaning? In a nutshell, Ultrasonic cleaning is a process … Read More

What’s Wrong with Cheap Record Players?

Marc HenshallNew to Vinyl, Record Care, Tech Talk4 Comments

As record sales continue to grow year-on-year, so too has the market for cheap starter record players. The demand is so great, last year’s hottest Christmas seller on Amazon was the Jensen JTA-230 3-speed stereo turntable with built-in speakers. Priced at just $51.99, it’s safe to say the majority of these players were bought as starter turntables. The Jensen JTA isn’t the only … Read More

How to Look After Your Vinyl Records (Part Two)

Marc HenshallRecord Care4 Comments

In 2015, sales of vinyl records grew for the tenth consecutive year, and while millions of music fans are rediscovering the joy of music on wax, they’re also learning how maintenance comes with the territory. As we’ve already established in our first post about vinyl record care – great sounding records require care and attention. In this second edition, we’ll cover plenty more methods … Read More

Why I switched my record cleaning solution from Clear Groove to Vinyl Revival

Marc HenshallCleaning Vinyl, Record Care, Reviews10 Comments

I love vinyl records, but when it comes to keeping them clean and clear of dust, they can be a real pain in the neck. There are many ways to keep your vinyl records clean and sounding great, the most affordable of which is a good cleaning solution. Previously, I’ve recommended Clear Groove as an affordable and effective solution, but … Read More